Txiicha for Twitter

Language:  English | Japanese

English translation By Ryan (@zqwcah)


Android release scheduled for December 2016
iOS release scheduled for June 2017
WindowsPhone, Windows, and OS X support will be considered according to supporter request


Introductory Videos

Introduced by the high school classmate of the developer, and the current vocalist of the same band, Michael!


If you become a supporter, you will receive early access

Become a sinProject supporter now! You can have early access to Txiicha and rewards, our latest news, other sinProject services, and the latest information of events. Also, your requests will take priority over others.

On June 13, 2016, Txiicha alpha version will be available for Android.
If you become a supporter of a tier that gives access to Txiicha, you can have your own personal experience with it.

>> Sign up now!

*The developer of Txiicha is the same of that than tweecha.


Win gifts at early access event

You can check information of the campaign version at @iam_o_sin and at@tweecha_en.




Official Twitter App-like Interface

The interface, based off of the official iPhone Twitter app is familiar and easy to use. Icons like tweet, re-tweet, and like all displayed, but on tap, they prompt a confirmation pop-up to prevent accidents.


You can view other tweets while submitting multiple images


Unlike the tweecha app, Txiicha supports posting multiple images.

For the purpose of keeping the tweeting and timeline on the same screen, you can post while viewing other tweets and information.


Various Notifications


tweecha, like the official app, supports real-time notifications for things such as re-tweeting, liking, following, adding to lists, replies, and DMs, but Txiicha’s notifications also includes things like lists and search results, other people’s tweets, and per-screen adjustable periodic notifications.


Follow display on timeline


An icon to the left of the names of the tweets in your timeline is displayed to let you know if it’s from someone you’re following and/or if it’s from someone that is following you.


Customization Flick Menu


There are many functions available by flicking the buttons on the bottom menu bar. Once flicked, a submenu will appear above.

Since your finger hides the point at which you touch on the menu, a pop-up will appear to show you which button your finger is pressing.

You can also customize the menus and arrange them freely to your liking.


Easily Viewable Following and Followers at a Glance


At a glance, you could see a user’s pictures and comments, making it easy to know what kind of person they are. And of course, you could follow, unfollow, and other in this menu.


Fast Startup

In a second after opening, Txiicha’s interface will be displayed.


Txiicha will be updated with the same requests added in to Tweecha.

Please give us many requests! We will continue to implement those requests in updates.


Is the iPhone version also under development?

[metaslider id=7465]

Yes, the iPhone version is also under development for release.


Trying Txiicha

Our Request

  • If you try Txiicha out, please tweet your thoughts and opinions with the hashtag #txiicha!


How to Use

  1. Become a supporter that has Txiicha alpha version rewards, or win gifts at early access events.
  2. Please DM us your Gmail address. (We will only use it to register you as a tester on the Google Play Store.)
  3. Here, we will do the tester registration process. Please wait for the tester confirmation message.
  4. The registered Google account will be granted access to Android App Testing.
  5. Click the “Become a tester” button
  6. Tap on the “Download from Google Play” link, then it will open in the Play Store.
  7. Once you click on the “install” button, the install will start.



  • In case the “Update” button does not appear in the Play Store, please delete the cache of Play Store App.


What’s special about Txiicha

  1. Simple
  2. Comfortable
  3. Similar to the official app and easy to use
  4. Able to use with one hand on a packed train
  5. Almost the same UI on Android and iPhone
  6. Provides fun for people
  7. Aims for world peace


Donation Version

  1. We are planning to release paid version with a fixed priced and without advertisements
  2. There will also be purchasable options. The trial version of these options are also available with advertisements.


Technical info

  1. Coded in Kotlin, not Java.
  2. Using Realm for the database.


Differences from tweecha

  1. Because the design concepts are different, the steps/methods to do the same actions can be different.
  2. Basically, the functions not implemented in tweecha have priory in the development.