New tweecha latest information is here.
This is tweecha‘s latest update page.
If you have any queries, bug reports etc, please contact @tweecha_en. Do get in touch via twitter and not by DM, email or app review.
Follow @tweecha_en for a regular update on latest info, tips and system failures.
tweecha v57.1.1 release (2015-12-31)
-Added: Command for changing the like icon. (Tweet “tweecha likeicon star”)
-Tweaked: Changed “favorite” to “like.” Now supports new Instagram image URL.
LINE Sticker Funny Pi-chan Released (2015-11-22)
Halloween Themes Release (2015-10-30)
On The Coluds Theme Release(2015-10-28)
Halloween 2015 Theme Release (2015-10-26)
tweecha v55.0.2 release (2015-07-26)
Small and light than v54. Fixed bugs.
Important Notice (2015-06-07)
tweechaPrime was restricted from performing write actions by Twitter again.
I’m contacting Twitter.
- tweeecha: Active.
- tweechaPrime : Active.
Important Notice (2015-06-04)
tweecha works again.
tweechaPrime works again.
Twitter have reactivated the API key.
Important Notice (2015-05-29)
I’m back to normal. Try tweecha! Follow @tweecha_en to get the latest information.
Important Notice (2015-05-28)
In the free version tweecha, it seems the messages coming back that “This request looks like it might be automated.” in communication with the Twitter server. This message now suddenly arrive from Twitter server, we will make an inquiry to the Twitter company to find a solution.
Win a tweecha gift! (2015-05-19)
Win a tweecha gift! Just RT this tweet & follow. 100 Winners. Ends 20 May.
tweecha v49.7.0 release (2015-05-13)
Follower/Following being displayed multiple times.
Fixed issue with original quoted tweet being displayed multiple times.
Fixed issue with tweet not being properly accessed if there is a quoted tweet above “Read more”.
Fixed issue with notifications for quoted tweets being resent. Removed retweet from tweet columns with images.
Fixed issue with timeline being displayed when accessing app from an image URL.
tweecha v44.1.0 release (2015-02-22)
v44.1.0 has been released. Download here.
-Added: Multiple image uploads (using official app). Video uploads (using official app).
-Adjusted: The position of the avatar on the tweet screen.
tweecha v44.0.2 release (2015-02-22)
v44.0.2 has been released. Download here.
-Added: External playback of 30-second public videos. External playback of animated timeline GIFs. Display of YouTube and Vine video playback icons. Rotation of input text. (For detailed specifications please consult the FAQ located here. (Japanese text only))
-Adjusted: Italian language updated. Spanish language updated.
-Fixed: Issue with absence of hashtag and account name data when running app from an external tweet button. Issue with language reverting to handset default settings when running app from an external source. Issue with background color settings not being effective for confirmation screen. Issue with message being displayed after cancelling monthly subscription. Issue with language reverting to handset default settings when rotating screen.
X’mas themes for tweecha released (2014-12-24)
1. X’mas Pi-chan
2. Santa Panic!
We’ll give you ‘tweecha gift‘ if you post a tweet with the screenshot of the tweecha theme and #tweecha hashtag until 2014-12-25.
tweecha v43.0.1 release (2014-12-14)
v43.0.1 has been released. Download here.
-Added: DM conversation style display (DM thread display), DM send screen reply address display.
-Adjusted: Ambient style color support for detailed info screen (client name, retweet count, favorite count link).
-Fixed: Issue with user being display as “@search” when opening search URLs from outside the app. Issue with ASCII art not being properly displayed.
tweecha v42.4 release (2014-11-18)
v42.4 has been released. Download here.
-Fixed: Issue with thumbnail images not being displayed properly.
tweecha v42.3 release (2014-11-14)
v42.3 has been released. Download here.
-Adjusted: Language change of accelerated function. Twitter connect setting default values. Twitter connect message added. Connect application install message added.
-Fixed: Issue with English text appearing in lowercase when using the tweet button on websites. Forced termination when changing header screen. Issue with not being able to enlarge part of header image.
tweecha v42.2 release (2014-11-08)
v42.2 has been released. Download here.
-Added: Added pink and yellow to ambient styles. Ambient style column title color settings.
tweecha v42.1 release (2014-11-07)
v42.1 has been released. Download here.
-Added: Color support for ambient style background. Ambient style background color settings. Ambient style under-portion gradation settings. Added blue to ambient styles.
-Adjusted: Support for ambient style for all screens. Support for tweecha themes for all screens.
tweecha v42.0.1 release (2014-11-06)
v42.0.1 has been released. Download here.
-Added: Ambient style settings added. Content preview shown in notification dialogs.
-Adjusted: Setting menu order changed. Line below title bar removed.
-Fixed: Issue with “Please wait” message not being updated by language settings.
tweecha v41.0 release (2014-10-29)
v41.0 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: Support for muting of public retweets.
tweecha v40.3 release (2014-10-29)
v40.3 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Fixed: Issue with obtaining other user lists.
tweecha v40.2 release (2014-10-28)
v40.2 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: Added “Korean” to language setting options.
– Fixed: Issue with the display of line break characters being shown on display screen for external tweets. Issue with screen titles not switching languages.
tweecha v40.1 release (2014-10-27)
v40.1 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Fixed: Issue with editing list members.
tweecha v40.0 release (2014-10-26)
v40.0 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: Manual update of list information
– Adjusted: Sped up application start time. Language switch handling.
– Fixed: Background forced termination.
tweecha v39.3 release (2014-10-23)
v39.3 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
Fixed: Issue with notification LED not lighting up with Android versions 4.1 or later.
tweecha v39.2 release (2014-10-21)
v39.2 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Adjusted: Deleted Twitpic and Yfrog from tweet image posting services.
– Fixed: CodePointUtils error.
tweecha v39.1 release (2014-10-21)
– Adjusted: Search bar color.
– Fixed: Forced closure issue with search screen. Browser playback of GIF files.
tweecha v39.0 release (2014-10-17)
v39.0 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: Browser display for GIFs, VINE clips and favorite list. Automatic hashtag tweet from search screen. Automatic reply tweet from profile screen.
– Adjusted: Set language moved to top of Pro settings. Support account for languages other than Japanese redirects to @tweecha_en.
– Fixed: Multiple display of future tweet conversations.
tweecha v38.0 release (2014-10-10)
v38.0 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: “Share” added to Tweet Submenu. “Launch twicca plugin” menu. Hide title bar added to Pro settings.
– Adjustment: Support for English language character count display added.
tweecha v37.2 release (2014-10-07)
v37.2 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: “Retweet and Favorite” setting confirmation.
– Adjustment: System sound not made when using volume key scroll. “Retweet and Favorite” icon updated.
– Fixed: Problem with notifications being made when notifications are turned off. Issue with search character field being difficult to read with Android 2.x.
tweecha v37.1 release (2014-10-01)
v37.1 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: Added “Retweet and Favorite” to action choices in “Tweet sub action settings” under “Pro settings”. Added “Notification display settings” under “Pro settings”.
– Adjustment: [“Read more” up to 50] unchecked.
– Fixed: Issue with previous account information remaining on the confirm account screen.
To users wishing to gather more than 100 tweets (2014-09-27)
Due to the amount of time required to gather more than 100 tweets using a non-official client previously taking several minutes (probably due to an issue on the Twitter server side), we implemented speed optimization by introducing a limit on the number of tweets that can be gathered, but at the moment it appears as though there is no delay on receiving more than 100 tweets. For those wishing to gather more than 100 tweets at once, please uncheck the [“Read more” up to 50] box under “Acceleration settings”.
tweecha v37.0 release (2014-09-26)
v37.0 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: “Retweet and Favorite” feature (tweet sub action and detail view settings)
– Fixed: Issue with full-width @ character in tweets displaying as %.
tweecha v36.3 release (2014-09-21)
v36.3 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Fixed: A bug that displayed % in a tweet.
tweecha v36.2 release (2014-09-21)
v36.2 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Fixed: A bug that displayed % in a tweet.
tweecha v36.0 release (2014-09-12)
v36.0 (tweechaPrime/tweecha official site version) has been released. Download here.
– Added: “tweecha latest” notification, “trending display off” setting and “system information” display.
– Fixed: Loading tweets to 50 maximum and gift language.
[IMPORTANT] Slower response when trying to load more than 100 tweets! (2014-09-09)
We are experiencing slower response time when loading more than 100 tweets across many unofficial Twitter clients. It may well be due to an error on Twitter Inc.’s server. We have not seen any improvements after a couple of days, so in v35.2, we added a setting to limit loading tweets to 100 maximum in order to speed up the operation. Unticking enables you to load more than 50 tweets but it may take longer.
We made a comparison chart between tweecha and Twitter Inc.’s official app. (2014-09-09)
Click here for the comparison chart (Japanese text only). Very useful for checking how tweecha works and finding out the difference with the official app.
[IMPORTANT] Missed non-follower replies (mentions) (2014-09-09)
We are experiencing missed non-follower mentions in some unofficial Twitter clients. If this concerns you, please use the official app alongside tweecha. It seems to be a problem caused by Twitter’s server, so we shall wait for the recovery.
tweecha v35.2 release (2014-09-04)
– Added: “Speed setting” :”read more” is limited to 50 tweets
– Fixed: Problem that “Read more” loads duplicate tweets
Updates for tweecha Play Store Version (v33.3)
– New: Enabled profile and header image viewer, and saving (press and hold for header). Check locked account follow request and accept via offical app. Mute setting: Mute list (separate from timeline mute setting). Added “speed setting”: “Read more” is limited to 50 tweets
– Fixed: Problem that “Read more” loads duplicate tweets